Unlocking Wellness: Seven Potential Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a Chinese Treatment Practice. This involves thinning needles and inserting them on acupuncture points which are pinpoints on the body. This is the case with the ancient Chinese doctors who visualized the pathways through which qi, the vital energy was flowing. The following guide will highlight the benefits of acupuncture and set the prerequisite for acupuncture treatment. Some research proved that there are several benefits of acupuncture & found this effective in pain, nausea, anxiety, and other health imbalances. However, the need for high-quality clinical studies is still high to fully understand the mechanisms and the practical uses. Prerequisite for Acupuncture Treatment The practitioner who is qualified and licensed executes acupuncture successfully and has no adverse side effects. Nevertheless, there remain chances of bruising, soreness, or some bleeding in the insertion areas. It is advisable to seek treatment from a qualified expert who changes the needles after each use and follows the sterilization rules. In several countries, acupuncture practitioners are legally bound to hold a minimum recognized qualification to guarantee competence and safety while doing the treatment. Potential Health Benefits of Acupuncture There are several advantages of taking the acupuncture treatment. Here are some of the detailed acupuncture benefits: Improving Mental Health The topmost benefit of acupuncture is improving mental health. Acupuncture therapies are labeled by practitioners as a tranquilizing tool. Acupuncture can enhance the beginning but also the continuation of healthy, restful sleep using correction of derogation and provision of tranquility. Helpful for Women Another benefit of acupuncture is its capability to work as a regulator for the hormone level, especially helping with PMS or dysmenorrhea. Acupuncture has been approved for couples going through fertility treatment and specifically for IVF as clinical trials show that it has a possible function corresponding with the positive reproduction outcome. Acupuncture treatment provides pregnant women with numerous advantages, including relief from the usual problems like nausea, fatigue, low back pain, pelvic pain as well as insomnia. It further means pregnancy can also support mother-child communication by inducing a state of relaxation, improving the positioning of the fetus, and decreasing anxiety. Helpful for Cancer Patients Acupuncture is more often applied as a part of supportive treatment that employs it for dealing with chemotherapy-related problems like those such as pain, nausea, fatigue, and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). It can foster a better life and psychological well-being during the treatment of cancer and even after the survivorship. As it is claimed by certain scientists, the advantage of acupuncture is the improvement of cardiovascular health which includes lowering blood pressure, reinforcing circulation, and balancing the autonomic nervous system. It will play a supportive role with conventional therapy to control hypertension and probably also help to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Skin Health Acupuncture is likely to help one improve the function of their skin by alleviating the various underlying imbalances and the suppression of inflammation. It may work in consonance with the topical dermatological procedures for acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Acupuncture can work to enhance the normal functioning of the body’s circulation including of the skin. Enhanced blood flow results in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, which empowers them to become healthy and alive. In this regard, better circulation equips the body with the capability to excrete metabolic waste rapidly and ultimately improves the skin’s appearance. The benefit of acupuncture is that, through regulation of the body’s immune system response it becomes an anti-inflammatory measure. From simple acne, eczema, and psoriasis to numerous other diseases, this role of inflammation is greater. When inflammation is lessened, acupuncture can lift the skin which can ease symptoms and cause an overall look of improvement. Helpful for Athlete Acupuncture proved to be efficient in reducing acute as well as ongoing pain often linked to sports injuries, for example, strains, sprains, tendonitis, and overuse injuries. It can be a very effective means of pain management, rendering pain less intense, and increasing pain tolerance levels, which would otherwise greatly affect an athlete’s training and performance. Sports injuries almost include inflammation, which is sometimes known to halt recovery and increase existing symptoms. Acupuncture therapy may suppress the immune response by acting on the inhibition of inflammatory cytokines secretion. It will bring about reducing swelling, redness, and stiffness which are often true in sports-related injuries. The use of acupuncture improves the recovery rate after injury. It is used to remove the tension, to reduce the spasms of muscle, and to promote relaxation. Targeting particular acupuncture linked to affected organs and tissue can promote an improvement in joint flexibility and function. Helpful in Dental Problems Another benefit of acupuncture is that it may prove effective in oral and dental problems. Acupuncture therapy plays a role in lessening dental pains, which are connected to conditions including toothaches, dental abscesses, gum disease, TMJ syndromes, and so on. Stimulating acupuncture points in the mouth and face areas by the needles, acupuncture can help with pain and discomfort relief, and painkillers don’t have to be completely relied on. Some patients who have anxiety or fear that goes with dentistry tend to avoid visiting a dentist even when it is necessary which is bad for oral health. Acupuncture stimulates a state of relaxation, brings down stress levels, and induces a feeling of calmness in the run-up to and duration of dental appointments, making dental anxiety less manageable. Helpful for Preventive Care Acupuncture sessions as a norm are quite tension-relieving and can lower the levels of stress. Stimulation of certain acupuncture points with relaxation and stress relief functions allows for the promotion of a calm and mental clear state that boosts well-being. Frequent acupuncture procedures may immunize the system thus hardening the body against all kinds of illnesses and infections. Acupuncture can turn on the production of white blood cells, facilitate immune response, and reduce inflammation, which therefore comprises an immune function. Wrapping Up Although many people report the benefits of acupuncture treatment. The scientific evidence that actualizes the promise of successfully treating some diseases is presently … Read more

4 Best Herbs For Your Better Sleep

Best herbs for sleep

In the hectic lifestyle, everyone is busy with their work running here and there to meet their daily needs and achieve their career. so most people are missing out on getting enough sleep. Fortunately, nature provides a herbal remedy that can help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. It allows our bodies to get repaired, supports cognitive function and it also contributes to our emotional well-being. Understand the best herb for sleep remedies which have been used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve quality sleep. Let’s dive into some of the best herbs for sleep and how they can work for you to improve your sleeping. A Good Sleeping routine: Many adults find it challenging to get enough sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 33% of adults don’t get the recommended amount of sleep. Here are the CD sleep recommendations: If you’re struggling with your sleep. then we have the best solution for that. More herb plants help to improve your sleeping. 4 Bedtime Snack for Good Sleep: The CDC surveyed in 2020 finding 8.4% of adults took sleep medication almost every day during the 30 days before taking the survey. Lavender: Nature’s Calming Agent One of the most popular herbs for promoting relaxation and sleep is lavender. Known for its soothing fragrance, lavender has been used for centuries to alleviate anxiety and induce sleep. Studies have shown that inhaling the scent of lavender essential oil can reduce stress levels and promote feelings of calmness, making it an excellent addition to your bedtime routine. Chamomile: The relaxation: Another popular herb for treating insomnia is chamomile. There are no adverse effects or risks associated with chamomile. This delicate blossom is now more than just a tea for granny. Studies show that this well-known relaxant reduces anxiety and encourages restful sleep. Before going to bed, enjoy a cup of chamomile tea for a calming ritual. Furthermore, it encourages restful sleep. Valerian Root: Nature’s Sedative Valerian root is the best herb for sleep. It has been used for centuries as a natural sleeping herb. It contains an increased level of Gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain and it promotes relaxation and gives a good night’s sleep. This root is highly beneficial for individuals who are struggling with insomnia or restless sleep. The most important note is it has side effects and is not safe for small children or during pregnancy. Passionflower: A flowering plant with stress-relieving qualities is the passionflower. It contains alkaloids and flavonoids that support relaxation and aid in lowering tension and anxiety.According to studies, using passionflower in combination with other herbs maximizes its effectiveness. Australia, Asia, Europe, and Africa all grow these herbs. Prior to surgery, it is frequently used to relax the mind. Some people also take passionflower to treat their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, discomfort, and insomnia. Herbal power for a restful Night: The herbs are natural starting points to improve your sleeping hygiene. Remember everyone has a different kind of body condition and it reacts differently. here are some tips to get a good night’s sleep: The most important note is it has side effects and is not safe for small children or during pregnancy. Ready to take a pleasant sleep? Adding these herbs to your daily routine improves sleep quality and overall well-being. From lavender to passionflower, naturally, provides us with relaxation and promotes good enough sleep by exploring these natural traditional sleeping herbs, you can enjoy restful nights and wake up feeling refreshed and restarted. If you’re continually feeling sleepless nights. incorporate these valuable and best herbs into your bedtime routine to promote sleep. Right snacks before bed could make a significant difference in your health and wellness. “Good nutrition is tied to good sleep – eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and staying hydrated all contribute to our general health and our sleep health,” says Robbins. Also Read, 10 Beneficial Healing Herbs for Women

10 Beneficial Healing Herbs for Women

Healing Herbs for Women

Ladies! Are you using Modern trending medicines for your health? If your answer is Yes, it’s time to consider a natural approach. In this article we’re inviting you to explore our comprehensive guide on Healing Herbs for Women health. For women navigating various phases of life from puberty to pregnancy and menopause, the natural properties of certain herbs offer invaluable support and relief. Healing herbs have played a crucial role in traditional medicine for centuries and continue to offer a natural approach to support women’s health. Whether it is stress, menstrual discomforts, or even hormonal balance, healing herbs are the best and most natural gift to women everywhere. Let’s Drive into the 10 powerful Beneficial healing herbs for women around the world. What are the benefits of herbal healing? Healing herbs offer a good range of potential benefits, both for general health and especially for women’s health. A Natural Approach: There are powerful healing herbs that can act as an alternative to strong medications such as painkillers. For women, nature provides valuable herbs for those looking for a holistic approach to wellness. Targeted Benefits: Different healing herbs have their unique properties that are used to help treat a variety of health issues. Specifically for women, these might include relieving pain from menstrual cramps, menopause symptoms, or hormonal imbalance. Dietary and topical uses: Healing herbs can be consumed as tablets, as tea, or can be applied topically for skin and hair concerns. General health: Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities found in many herbs support a stronger immune system and lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses. 10 Beneficial Healing Herbs for Women Chamomile: Chamomile is a plant that originally came from Europe, India, and Asia. Now, it also grows in the United States. There are two main types of Chamomile namely: German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile. Chamomile is a helpful herb for women because it can help with things like premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual pain, and feelings of anxiety. It can also help to relax nerves and might even help manage diabetes and keep your blood sugar levels steady. In Western Countries such as the United States and Canada, chamomile is most famous for being used as a relaxing herbal tea. It’s generally good for women as it helps to calm the nervous system and aid in better sleep. However, pregnant women should be cautious as some have linked it to possible miscarriage. If you’re allergic to Chamomile or have stomach issues, it’s best to skip using Chamomile altogether. Garlic: Garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allicin, which have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting activities. Garlic in women’s diets also promotes cardiovascular health, lowers the risk of infection, and reduces blood pressure. Ginger: Ginger is well known for its spicy kick and more health benefits, which is why ginger is a must-have herb for women’s wellness. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties making it effective in helping to alleviate menstrual pains, reducing nausea during pregnancy, and relieving indigestion. Whether it is combined with tea, or added to meals, ginger can have unique valuable properties in promoting overall health. Ginseng: Ginseng is a traditional medicine used for centuries. It supports the body’s immune system and helps relieve body pain and anxieties.  • Research suggests that ginseng can uplift mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. • Studies indicate that ginseng may enhance the immune system’s function. • Ginseng contains antioxidants that could help reduce inflammation. • Ginseng is often employed in treating symptoms associated with menopause in women. Turmeric: Throughout their lives, women can reap many benefits from the potent therapeutic properties of turmeric. It can help balance hormones at every stage of life and has potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting qualities. • It can balance premenstrual symptoms. • Turmeric can help alleviate menstrual pain. • It can reduce inflammation in endometriosis and support overall well-being. Adding turmeric to curries, soups, or golden milk can be an easy and delicious way to reap its benefits. Flaxseed: Flaxseeds are a nutritious powerhouse. It is rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. There are two types of flaxseed: Brown and Golden and both play an equal role with their beneficial properties. For women incorporating flaxseed into their diet is most effective for women’s wellness. You can add flax seeds over yogurt or to smoothies or even to baked goods. Flaxseed oil contains vital omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for women. These fats support heart health and aid in the regulation of hormone balance, fertility, and menstrual discomfort. Adding two spoons of flaxseed oil to your regular routine can also help moisturize your skin and lessen its dryness. Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha comes from the Withania somnifera plant. It is an adaptogenic herb from the Ayurvedic tradition, and has gained its popularity for its stress reducing and anxiety reducing effects. For women, who suffer from chronic stress, anxiety, or hormonal imbalance, ashwagandha can offer much needed relief. Whether it is consumed as a tea or capsule supplement, Ashwagandha can help to restore balance in the mind and body. Nettle leaf: Nettle leaf is rich in vitamins and nutrients. For women’s health, nettle leaves contain minerals, such as Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium, which help to regulate hormones and reduce menstrual cramps. Nettle leaf can also help boost the immune system and protect against illness. Many people enjoy it as a tea, incorporate it into soups, and can also be taken in supplement form. Nettle leaf is a valuable herb for women who are seeking holistic wellness. Raspberry leaf: Red raspberry leaf is commonly called “The herb for women” for its ability to ease menstrual pain, support reproductive health, and increase fertility. Fragrine, an alkaloid present in red raspberry, helps to strengthen the pelvic area and the uterus. Dong Quai: Dong Quai, commonly known as “Female Ginseng” has an extensive history in traditional Chinese medicine. Dong Quai helps women with irregular menstrual periods and menopausal symptoms. Dong Quai may not be suitable for everyone, especially pregnant or … Read more

Home remedies to bolster immune system

immune system

As a licensed natural health expert in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), my area of expertise is in herbal remedies for health and well-being. I get asked a lot of questions about herbs that can help the immune system. In this article, I’ll answer some of the questions I often get and explain what herbs can help and have been used for thousands of years to support and bolster the immune system. Below I answer some of your questions from a TCM perspective and advice on the topic:As COVID-19 and flu numbers are on the rise, what can people take daily to improve immune function? Chinese medicinal herbs have been shown to help support the immune system. During the pandemic in 2020, one of the most recommended preventative formulas by us Chinese medicine practitioners in helping boost the immune system was “Jade Screen Formula” ( Yu Ping Feng Wan in Chinese). This formula contains three herbs astragalus, siler and atractylodes that when combined together are known in TCM to expel early pathogens, support digestion, and bolster the immune system to help prevent sickness.For more detail: Astragalus (Huang Qi) is one of the most used tonics for strengthening the immune system. It is known to “tonify wei qi”, which is the TCM way of saying it enhances the body’s resistance to infections, and supports overall vitality. Siler (Feng Fang) is known as Wind-Protector Root. Autumn’s seasonal changes bring about more windy weather which carries bacteria and pathogens. Siler has a dispersive quality that releases the surface of the body to create a protective barrier against external pathogens in the air. Atractylodis Root (Bai zhu) helps improve and support digestion. In TCM, a strong digestion is considered essential for a healthy immune system. It assists in transforming food into nutrients, qi and blood, which are the foundation of immune health. Together, these three herbs work synergistically to help in several areas of the immune system. Can hot soups or herbal teas help relieve cold or flu symptoms? Yes, in TCM we often use strong herbal teas to help relieve cold and flu symptoms, however, because a majority of flu fighting herbs used in Chinese medicine won’t be found in your local grocery below is a list of more gentle but commonly known herbs we use in TCM that may be found in health food and supplement stores. Honeysuckle Flower (Jin Yin Hua): Honeysuckle has antimicrobial properties and is used in TCM to clear toxins from the body to reduce sore throat, fever, and headaches that often accompany colds and flu.Chrysanthemum Flower (Ju Hua):Chrysanthemum in TCM is used to dispel flu early onset flu symptoms like headaches, and also is known to help relieve eye irritation or redness accompanied with colds and flu. White Mulberry Leaf (Sang Ye): White mulberry leaf is known for its ability to support the Lung by clearing heat types of pathogens (like those that can cause yellow sputum and discharge), as well it helps moisten dryness in the lung for dry coughs. In TCM, it is used to soothe sore throats, reduce coughing, and lessen dryness in the throat. Magnolia Flower (Xin Yi Hua): When colds and flu create nasal congestion and sinus issues, magnolia flowers can help open the nasal passages, promote the flow of Qi (energy), and relieve symptoms of stuffy nose and sinus headaches. Fresh Ginger: Simply the most easy to find and versatile herb, ginger is also used in TCM for its warming properties to help induce sweating and release fever, as well as alleviate chills and nausea. In TCM, herbal combinations are often used to create a balanced formula that addresses multiple aspects of an individual’s condition. These herbs are typically prescribed based on an individual’s specific symptoms, constitution, and the nature of the pathogen involved. For soups, adding or increasing green onion, garlic or ginger to your favourite soups can help fight colds and flus due to their warming nature that supports the digestive and respiratory system. What about adding turmeric to foods or drinks? In TCM, turmeric is considered a herb that can help promote blood circulation and also has warming properties that help expel wind and cold elements that can lead to cold and flu. Precautions on taking turmeric: As turmeric has an effect on blood circulation, people taking anticoagulant medication should consult their practitioner. What role can sleep play in bolstering the immune system? Chinese medicine principles place great importance on the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Sleep is a crucial element in this rhythm because the body uses its energy during sleep to regenerate and detoxify to support the immune’s defense systems. Any disruptions in sleep patterns can impact circadian rhythms and weaken immune responses. What do you recommend people eat or drink if they’re feeling under the weather? Many local Chinese grocery shops often carry a product called Ganmao Qingre Keli (Cold and Flu Granules) that contains a mixture of strong herbs known in TCM to help fight cold and flu symptoms and support the immune system. These granules are mixed in water and drank as a tea. I recommend taking these granules as they’re easy to mix and dissolve in warm water, making them very convenient.